My album, or rather albums of the year (because I am cheating), are A, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6(Ethereal Version), A7 and A8. The reason I am reviewing this as one thing, is because as it stands right now, A5 till 8 no longer exist. Alorangel (aka Lora Hunter, Alorangela, Alorangelica, Alarangel, and some more variations) has this odd method of 'abusing the algorithm' by continuously reuploading songs and albums, moving stuff around, releasing 'Hard' versions, remixing a song 26(!) times in a row, etc etc. Lora Hunter is definitely more exciting as an idea rather than an artist, but that is a rabbit hole you have to fall down into yourself.
So what am I reviewing exactly? It is a collection of around 250 songs, initially released between Jan 11 and Feb 7. Those 250 songs are mutations of around 20 original vocal stems, all warped, fucked and mutated through generational inbreeding and self-remixing.
Some of these songs can be traced back all the way to Lora Hunters debut 2016 Album 'Make This Day Come Alive'. The title track on that album appears in many different shapes and forms here, as: Experimental outsider rock Make This Day Come Alive (Hard Version).
Oddball house (note this is 8 days old) Make This Day Come Alive (Angel Remix),
Even some weird bootleg burial-esque stuff:
I am currently hard at work trying to catalogue and preserve all these versions and lost albums, but it's extremely difficult considering the pace Lora uploads and removes these.
By now you are probably wondering: Why? Why on earth are you listening to this? What makes Alorangel better than that latest Gerogerigegege, the gorgeous Bill Orcutt album, or even the insanely tight Flowers Corsano duo release? Well, all of those are incredible in their own way, but what Lora achieved here feels like an actual Ego Death, to be experienced while listening. It breaks your brain. Turns you into goo. A little snot slut as will. Its impossible to explain what is so good about this, what truly makes this godlike, without just listening to the whole thing. You won't find the same 8 albums I listened to, but just scour around. There is more on youtube than you think. Do some digging. Immersive yourself. Become one with the Lora. Breathe Lora. Make your day come alive.